may begins.

as april is officially gone and spent, i want to remember some dates that served as the past month's highlights.

easter sunday. for so many reasons it is my favorite day of the whole lenten season. it also happened to be ate monette's birthday which translates to good time and fancy cakes.

annual bonus! this translates to (more) money, which in turn, translates to more remittances.

alvin's grad. finally. which means he's going to be a taxpayer sooner than later. on a serious note, i actually felt the urge to fly home to give him the tightest hug i can ever give to let him know that i am as delighted as he was. i even got a little teary-eyed after talking to him on the phone that day.

and there's my brother's grand grad day too! it was like seeing the fruits of your labor. that at last, we (ate and i) produced one graduate in the family (one more to go!). i'm a proud sister and i'm excited for him, for whatever awaits him.

now, may is really here. i am seing lots of mango trees teeming with baby mango fruits already. i love being in the province back home whenever may sets in. i love eating indian mangoes until my stomach aches.

but more than the mango season, i love the coming of may for the days that we're going to celebrate and the same old dates that i remember monthly.

the universal mothers' day. my own mom's (birth)day. our 9th monthsary in SG. the Great Singapore Sale. the 48th monthsary/4th anniversary (and a lifetime more) with alvin.

welcome may!

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