(yeah. i talk to inanimate stuff often.)
hi there! how long have i been neglecting you? how long have i kept you unseen, unheard and unnoticed? has it been a month or two? or has it been a year? or more?
you were born to be the witness of my everyday joys & struggles & nonsense. you came into existence to be the listener of my random thoughts. you're here to document anything that i feel like saying, thinking & overthinking. (not that i am consistent about blogging, still, i find it cruel that i disregarded the mere thought of having a blogsite right here).
somewhere between saving up & fixing a broken relationship i stopped introspecting. sometime in living this adult life & chasing goals i ceased to listen to my thoughts & to feel my emotions.
i stopped writing. and in turn, i stopped being honest.
today, this time, i attempt to find what little honesty left in me. it must be there somewhere, quiet and unperturbed.
for one, i seek for deep & lasting joy but i settle for momentary happiness. i choose whatever is manageable, tolerable & convenient.
welcome to quarter life crisis and the frivolous insanity that comes with it.
and must i say, welcome back to blogspot? (ah. it feels good to think & write again, even if it looks more like silly writing.)
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