have you heard of colbie calliat's song, try? if you haven't yet, i encourage you to try, find it and listen to it.
i first heard this song in the subway, sung so beautifully and emotionally by a middle-aged gypsy-looking woman, made even more beautiful by the guitar accompaniment of her husband. i'm just guessing that was her husband. they just look so connected and happy doing music together. they seem to share something that will make you wish you have someone to share that something with too.
initially, it was only the melody that caught me. what actually got me stuck to the ground i was standing on was the lyrics. never mind the errand i was supposed to rush that day. there were a few people who stopped for a while to listen, to drop a two-dollar bill or coins to the hat they laid on the floor. but i remained to be their sole audience up until the song came to an end.
Put your make-up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim so they like you, do they like you?
Get your sexy on
Don't be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong, so they like you
Do you like you?
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try
Get your shopping on, at the mall, max your credit cards
You don't have to choose, buy it all, so they like you
Do they like you?
Wait a second,
Why, should you care, what they think of you
When you're all alone, by yourself, do you like you?
Do you like you?
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to, give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try
Take your make-up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror, at yourself
Don't you like you?
'Cause I like you
i clapped so enthusiastically after she sang the last line, and thinking and feeling it was not enough, i walked up to her saying, "it's beautiful." she seemed pleased to hear that. but i am the one more pleased as i received a free treat from the world by simply staying there, listening to them.
we don't have to try so hard. we don't have to change a single thing.
although the song apparently tells us to love our physical self, be it balding, wrinkled, freckled or dark-skinned, in a much deeper sense, it is the person beyond the face that stares back at us in the mirror that we should really like and love.
the very things that i like about myself are the same things that make me hate me. i often wish i am not perfectionist and that i don't care too much about the things and people i care about. because when things go awry, it frustrates me hugely. it keeps me up all night. it drains me and dries me up. it makes me less happy. i hate it that my brain is wired this way!
but i wouldn't be uniquely me if not for these qualities. i sure do need some rechannelling of energy and reconsider the things that matter and prune out those that don't and adapt a certain degree of nonchalance for things trivial and insignificant -- without totally foregoing the imperfect perfectionist i was designed to be, without having to let go of the human being in me that cares deeply.
i'm trying not to try so hard. and i like myself a little more each day. loving me better, always better than yesterday.
inspirations and frustrations - and everything in between
madness (the bad kind)
there is a good kind of madness. like how truly, deeply, madly you (and i) should love. it's the same madness that only genius people possess, those who go against the current, those who disregard the status quo, those who believe they can change the world into a much better place. (because they actually can).
but that's not what i'm going to talk about.
i'll talk about the bad one because i had plenty of that today, yesterday and some days before that. everyday actually. every single day, there will be strangers and (sometimes) friends who can potentially turn your mood into a sour one. i don't get these people. i wonder what benefit they get by being rude to others even when you do no harm to them. i wonder how comfortable it is to them that they bring discomfort to another human being. sometimes, i make the mistake of letting these people rob the enthusiasm off me. but most of the time, all i ever have to do is inhale and exhale heavily and repeatedly and remind myself how beautiful i am to ever waste a moment of creasing my forehead and turning my smile into a very ugly frown. i don't know if that works for you, but it does for me. instantly, i relax, breathe easy and brush off the bad experience. so much about vanity.
vanity (and kidding) aside, there is really no point holding on to madness for so long. maybe, that person did not really intend to get you mad. maybe he/she just had a bad breakup, or a terrible experience at home, or a horrible childhood. it could also be because he/she is just naturally rude and evil. (i really hope not. but it doesn't matter). point is, this person's attitude is something we don't have a control over. but we can control our reaction.
sometimes, i just smile and walk away. other times, i let out a loud crisp curse inside a closed elevator, (i make sure i'm alone, of course). i react differently depending on the severity of the case. but similarly, i only allow myself to stay mad for no more than fifteen minutes.
in the future, my goal is to lessen it to five.
but that's not what i'm going to talk about.
i'll talk about the bad one because i had plenty of that today, yesterday and some days before that. everyday actually. every single day, there will be strangers and (sometimes) friends who can potentially turn your mood into a sour one. i don't get these people. i wonder what benefit they get by being rude to others even when you do no harm to them. i wonder how comfortable it is to them that they bring discomfort to another human being. sometimes, i make the mistake of letting these people rob the enthusiasm off me. but most of the time, all i ever have to do is inhale and exhale heavily and repeatedly and remind myself how beautiful i am to ever waste a moment of creasing my forehead and turning my smile into a very ugly frown. i don't know if that works for you, but it does for me. instantly, i relax, breathe easy and brush off the bad experience. so much about vanity.
vanity (and kidding) aside, there is really no point holding on to madness for so long. maybe, that person did not really intend to get you mad. maybe he/she just had a bad breakup, or a terrible experience at home, or a horrible childhood. it could also be because he/she is just naturally rude and evil. (i really hope not. but it doesn't matter). point is, this person's attitude is something we don't have a control over. but we can control our reaction.
sometimes, i just smile and walk away. other times, i let out a loud crisp curse inside a closed elevator, (i make sure i'm alone, of course). i react differently depending on the severity of the case. but similarly, i only allow myself to stay mad for no more than fifteen minutes.
in the future, my goal is to lessen it to five.
quote of the day.

beautiful thought. this is something i personally believe in. this is exactly the reason why i don't quite agree with that line "what you don't know won't hurt you."
maybe i'm a masochist. i'm okay with pain. well, not really okay-okay, but it's something i can deal with. i don't mind the hurt because it's nothing compared to the liberating feeling that comes after.
i'd rather know. everyday, i seek for truths. and it's the honest people that i value and respect the most.
when i felt it was too much, even when i was too stubborn to still fight, i let go. completely. totally. i died inside i suppose.
but i came back to life.
they say, we have to empty our hands so we can hold the blessings that are yet to come.
then this, after almost a year of calm seas and peaceful days, happened. unplanned. unexpected. something i didn't even pray for. but it's good. it's fun. it rocked the boat.
but this pain that followed, i dislike it. i won't take it. so maybe, i'm asked to empty my hands again. and shed a few tears in the process.
i never learned. i never even changed, for the better. and this is what frustrates me the most.
wise fathers are God's gift to mankind
there is an inspiring email circulating online written by the late DILG secretary jesse robredo to his daughter. the first time i read it, i was reminded of my own father. that's exactly how he motivates us, in his well-thought-of words of wisdom in mix english and tagalog. it was like reading his handwritten letters he sent me thru mail when i started college in manila. similar to his almost daily text messages (which unfortunately were not kept and saved) that aimed to keep me inspired and remembered. mr. robredo and my father think alike and talk alike. and i wonder if that really is a fatherly thing. maybe that's one requirement every father (or parent) should meet. encouraging.
unlike mr. robredo's daughter though, i never had the chance to heed tatay's advice when work started to burn me out, when i felt the need to find my rightful place in the society. my father died three months before i finish college. i would have heard more wise words from him. i would have been wiser in my decision-making. but i also believe that what he taught me with in all the steps i took prior to experiencing the usual issues of a young adult prepared me on what lies ahead.
when i was enrolling as a college freshman, i was among the minority of the group. in the entire taxing and daunting process of enrollment in a big university, not once did i have a parent or guardian beside me. the majority were accompanied by both or either one of their parents, from queuing up for registration, to medical exam, to application for scholarships. but his letters made me tougher, more independent, more self-assured that i can handle all things. that at a tender age of 16, i am a responsible adult, fully capable of making significant decisions, confident to speak to all the adults that surround me. when i only got shortlisted to the original course i chose and i was undecided on what other course to take instead, he didn't decide for me nor give me hints in any way. i was afraid that i will take something i may not finish in the end. but he told me that he trusts me and if i ever feel like i can't handle the course, i can decide to quit, shift or continue. when the need to decide arises, i will know what is best to do.
and he was right about that. and i think, in life, in order for us to become stronger, better versions of ourselves, we need somebody like that.
unlike mr. robredo's daughter though, i never had the chance to heed tatay's advice when work started to burn me out, when i felt the need to find my rightful place in the society. my father died three months before i finish college. i would have heard more wise words from him. i would have been wiser in my decision-making. but i also believe that what he taught me with in all the steps i took prior to experiencing the usual issues of a young adult prepared me on what lies ahead.
when i was enrolling as a college freshman, i was among the minority of the group. in the entire taxing and daunting process of enrollment in a big university, not once did i have a parent or guardian beside me. the majority were accompanied by both or either one of their parents, from queuing up for registration, to medical exam, to application for scholarships. but his letters made me tougher, more independent, more self-assured that i can handle all things. that at a tender age of 16, i am a responsible adult, fully capable of making significant decisions, confident to speak to all the adults that surround me. when i only got shortlisted to the original course i chose and i was undecided on what other course to take instead, he didn't decide for me nor give me hints in any way. i was afraid that i will take something i may not finish in the end. but he told me that he trusts me and if i ever feel like i can't handle the course, i can decide to quit, shift or continue. when the need to decide arises, i will know what is best to do.
and he was right about that. and i think, in life, in order for us to become stronger, better versions of ourselves, we need somebody like that.
mystery is messy
a man greeted me bonjour and i replied hours later with bonsoir. he asked if i speak french. i said no, i googled it of course.
my friend snorted and told me i don't have any air of mystery in me. is that a bad thing? what is mystery for exactly?
my friend snorted and told me i don't have any air of mystery in me. is that a bad thing? what is mystery for exactly?
mystery, to me, invites assumptions and interpretations that will either be an underestimation or an exaggeration, if not downright wrong. then you would need to make the necessary clarifications and break false impressions after. it's messy. it's troublesome. and i don't want any of that. if there is something we can do to make things clearer, lighter and much easier, why wouldn't we do it?
i am a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of woman. i won't keep a man guessing when my next mood swing will be. i don't like giving people a hard time thinking there is something more to the words i say. there are no undertones. i'm upfront and ridiculously straightforward. i like it like that, even though not everyone does.
i am in no business sugarcoating hard to swallow bitter truths. i won't feign shrewdness over honesty. i won't pretend to know something i don't. i let my hair down and walk around with my strengths and vulnerabilities along with me. i don't keep so much pride in my body.
if one day soon i'm on to the dating scene, i'd like to establish honesty above everything else.
my favorite seasons
at some point in my childhood, i wished to live in a country where i can experience all four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. and i break into a song. that song. they all sound exciting. i even used to believe then that the people in the US are the luckier ones. they're lucky their world is lovelier, more colorful, and there are a whole lot of things to do in every season's transition.
i live and work in singapore for more than two years now -- a country three-hour plane ride away from my own. the seasons are no different. it could only be either sunny or rainy. that's all.
but there are actually more seasons in this world than those i already know, marvel and used to dream about. they are not only limited to physical, visual and superficial experiences. there is no way for me to enumerate or even put a name to all of them but what i do know is that it doesn't matter at all wherever country we are in.
this is the season of perseverance, faithfulness and inspiring women, all three like puzzle pieces completing each other. i've seen how these women were robbed off of stability and comfort. i have seen them struggle, fight and believe that everything will pay off soon after, that every bad thing means something good is bound to happen. i have been very privileged to be a friend, to witness their journeys and hear their stories firsthand.
this is the season of answered prayers. the kind of answers that will make you believe ever more strongly that there is a God who listens and who knows exactly when to give in to our heart's plea. His timing doesn't always work to our convenience, it's something we don't often understand, but it's always right.
i live and work in singapore for more than two years now -- a country three-hour plane ride away from my own. the seasons are no different. it could only be either sunny or rainy. that's all.
but there are actually more seasons in this world than those i already know, marvel and used to dream about. they are not only limited to physical, visual and superficial experiences. there is no way for me to enumerate or even put a name to all of them but what i do know is that it doesn't matter at all wherever country we are in.
this is the season of perseverance, faithfulness and inspiring women, all three like puzzle pieces completing each other. i've seen how these women were robbed off of stability and comfort. i have seen them struggle, fight and believe that everything will pay off soon after, that every bad thing means something good is bound to happen. i have been very privileged to be a friend, to witness their journeys and hear their stories firsthand.
this is the season of answered prayers. the kind of answers that will make you believe ever more strongly that there is a God who listens and who knows exactly when to give in to our heart's plea. His timing doesn't always work to our convenience, it's something we don't often understand, but it's always right.
being kind over being right.
as much as i would like to keep my faith in humanity, there are days when doing so is just not easy.
i don't understand why some people prefer to give others a hard time when they can actually turn the situation around and be of help. i wonder how badly life has been treating them to always think of getting even.
i am not always good. there are days when pain and anger get the better of me that i intentionally refuse to be kind. there are days when i am so caught up by morning rush and busy life that i miss out the chances of helping others along the way. there are days when i feel rotten after passing by an old lady struggling to cross the street and i did nothing. there are times when i regret not letting someone share my umbrella with me when it's raining. days when i am so much in a hurry and i don't even have a minute to spare to do these random acts of kindness. days when i have alibis.
i am not always good. but i always try. because i've got nothing to lose.
some days, let's forget about the protocols and SOPs and parameters. life is not easy, but sometimes we are placed in a privileged part of making someone's life a little bit lighter. and even if at first you think you're doing them a favor, in the end you'll realize, the pleasure is actually yours. all yours.
kids at (my sister's) work.
remember the day when you graduated in kindergarten and you were obliged to step up the stage and say what you want to become when you grow up?
i wanted to become a teacher. but people change and so do dreams. i pursued something and became something else other than what i pursued all together.
i was reminded of that dream when i visited my preschool teacher sister at work yesterday. it was quick but i really had a swell time. there is just something about spending time with the kids. they make you feel young and alive and loved. i love it that most of them are welcoming, trusting and unafraid of people they only saw for the first time. they are even generous to give away free hugs and kisses. and they make you realize, without meaning to, that sometimes, in life, it won't hurt to be like a child and be young again.
the year that was and the year that is.
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my friend and i kiss 2013 goodbye. |
now, i welcome the year that is, hoping that it will exceed every good thing about the past year. it's a tall order but of course it just got to be better.
my part in making it a better year, breaking last year's record, is by creating and commiting to new year's resolutions. i'm a big believer of new year's resolutions so here goes my list for 2014.
judge less. practice patience. smile more. commit to an exercise. save a lot. read more. write more -- believe that you're good at it. spend less time on internet. speak up. say things -- but don't gossip. be ridiculously straightforward -- and don't be sorry about it. get more first-time experiences. drink more water. indulge in sweet lattes. try a new hairstyle. give more -- give your all. help a stranger -- at least once a day. give genuine honest compliments -- without being an ass-kisser. welcome new people. make new close friends -- and keep the old ones closer. look out for inspiring people -- and stay away from the toxic ones. assert yourself. be brave. make mistakes -- and make sure you learn from them. cry hard. laugh harder -- laugh a lot. sing out loud -- let them stare. be carefree. be mad. dress up. think deep. be shallow. spend christmas at home. give thanks. give love. find love. be proactive. give chances -- and take chances. you'll never know what is until you give in.
and most importantly, keep the faith -- to anything and everything. in Him.
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