heartbreak leave

have you discovered something that initially shocked your whole being recently? did you just get some news that somehow stole your senses? anything at all that, for a while, disrupted your smooth-going system? 

i did.

two days ago, i got that "shock" of my life. (i know it doesn't seriously qualify as one, but i'll just use the word anyway for lack of a better term.) it's about losing, for real and possibly for good, the only love i know in my entire 23 years of existence. it's pretty petty, but i say it was, or has been, heartbreaking. and i know it was selfish of me to feel that way. still, i got an immediate empty cold numb feeling that right there and then i wanted to lock myself up in the bathroom and maybe shed a few tears. i tried, but failed. and so i went back to my station and back to work, a bit depressed and half-okay but still able to function.

jac and tets ruined my peace, "harassed" me and forced me to take my break along with them as i was writing this. so i lost my line of thoughts (or line of thinking according to grammatically-correct tets nones. haha). anyway, going back...

two days ago. and i can honestly say that i'm a whole lot better now than how i was when i first caught (and by caught i mean proactively sourced) that "information." i'm back to my normal-functioning-thinking self with even higher spirits. apparently, i cope up quickly, or should i say i  willed myself to cope fast.

now, just a few hours ago, one dear friend of mine, shared something "shocking" to me too--her own share of "shock," of a completely different type. she too, is having her usual day at work-- chill, normal, smooth-sailing--until she received that message that sent her "shocks."  right away, she's down and upset. although, i know, mature as we are, we all can say "mind over matter" and we can try to brush the thought off and out of our system and go back to work and act professionally (the not-letting-your-personal-issues-affect-your-work thing), sometimes it just doesn't work. she needed time to let the hurt out, and to collect herself afterwards before she can start working again. she needed some time to feel her feelings, to let the anger out, to cry, to "grieve" and take a breather.  i feel for her. i know the feeling. and i know how hard it is to try acting okay and try to be fine. although i was able to manage my emotions when i was in that kind of situation, i didn't advise her to do the same. 

on that note, i was reminded of the article i read somewhere, sometime ago about a proposed "heartbreak leave," or something like that, for employees/office workers. (sheeesh. i know sometimesomewhere and something like that are all insignificant. bear with me, i really have this habit of not taking mental-note of the details). 

anyway, my point is whoever coined that idea is a genius. it’s wise to have that, than getting a “fake” sick leave. i say, it's even more important than maternity leave or any other official leave, if not as important. i mean, not everyone gets to be pregnant, but everyone gets to be depressed, right? i vouch for it not because i need it most (yeah selfish as i can become, i don't have myself in mind), but because people (all types, all genders) experience an inevitable heartbreaking "shock." life, as we know it, has its crazy turns and bumps that would catch us off-guard and once in a while, may give our world a gentle shake and cold feet. and i'm not only talking about love-life heartbreak here, like the one i had. it could be about anything, any trial that one may feel larger than life, too big to handle and too heavy for our heart to carry, even if it may seem otherwise to someone else uninvolved. it's a much-needed break that one should take a time off  to collect herself/himself, redeem her/his senses and back to the chill, normal, smooth-sailing life. and after the heartbreak leave, one can go back to work recharged, refocused and refreshed.

refreshed. i like that word. so let me end this right here.ü 

me, dawn and a piece of mind.


time check: 3:05 AM

the day i started working night shift, my world also took a 360-degree turn. it's early, way too early, monday morning, and knowing that i just spent my first work-off with my highschool friends from dinner to dawn, i shouldn't be spending my second (and last work-off awake this early. i should have been catching more sleep and getting as much rest as i can, because later today i'll mark the start of my yet again weeklong work routine.

but since i can't force myself to go back to sleep anymore, this must be okay too. for one, i finally got time to cut my long untidy unladylike toenails. i got time to clean up my cellphone inbox because every so often a blinking envelope icon keeps on popping to indicate i have saved messages more than it can accommodate. i also got time to text the people i haven't really texted for quite a while now, and to tell them how much i miss them. best of all, i got time to reflect, to ponder, to get in touch with my emotions, to think things through, to monitor where i'm at and to where i'm heading, and to see how i am doing.

it may sound a little exaggerated, but true, i didn't have the luxury of time for a good three weeks to do any of these.

so just imagine how long my toenails could have grown. gross.

and true, i haven't really been thoughtful to myself to even check up on how i really am. having a full-time night shift-scheduled work and a part-time job left me to do a routine of work-sleep-work-sleep, with less thinking and reflecting (and even lesser social interaction).

i guess what i'm just trying to say is that it's a necessity for me (and i think for everyone else too) to have my much-needed waking-moment-alone-time to keep me insanely sane.

remembering tatay.

today, i remember:

someone who carefully held the bike to keep my balance..
           ..when i insisted i couldn't do it.

someone who riskily let me go when i can seem to pedal my way down the street..
           ..when i didn't have a clue that i'm actually doing it on my own.

someone who collectedly caught me when i fell..
            ..when panic took over the fuzzy comforting feeling upon realizing he's no longer behind me.

someone who said falling is fine and natural, and prodded me to stand up and start again..
           ..when i thought i'm a lame rider and incapable of learning.

more than the bike-riding lessons, he taught me my first lessons on trust, independence, failure and bouncing back.

tatay didn't only teach me how to ride a bike, he taught me how to ride with life.ü

and today, we remember your birthday.

manic love song lover.

i love love songs.

i love listening to them through my earphones, like some hopeless romantic lover in trance and lost in the moment. i love hearing them from bus and jeepney radios, as i sing along discreetly, by the window, looking outside like filming a senti mtv video.(that happens once in every 50 public commute encounters. so don’t you dare start thinking i’m a pathetic drama queen.) i love mouthing their lyrics while doing my lone long walk, even if it's as outdated as "skyline pigeon," uncaring if street strangers notice or not. i love singing them in videoke, with best pals in some ktv place, or alone at home.

they are addictive. they are therapeutic. they bring back memories of time lost and spent. and bring afresh dreams of love to find and keep.

sometimes, i wish there is a specific someone i can associate all these love songs with, someone i can particularly think of, or one significant man i can sing-along with. sometimes, i get a funny empty feeling singing duet songs all by myself.

there was a time i thought i found him. he loves duet love songs as much as i do. we gamely sang the likes of destiny, i finally found someone, cruisin' and the search is over, amidst the teasing and coaxing of everybody. for a while, it was all fun. we were having so much fun that we even sang other non-duet songs as if they are. but the fun and the "perfectness" of the moment was cut short when he blatantly mispronounced words after words after words. ouch to me. and to him, a hundred pogi points down the drain. for one second there, he made love songs less magical. and right then, i silently concluded, the search is still not over after all. 

anyway, it’s not always that I have that wishful thinking to sing love songs with and for someone. most of the time, i’m okay with how things are.

so yeah, i’ll stand firm with my daydreaming (and suffer the funny empty feeling every so often), until i can truly stand having someone i can sing along with..with or without mispronounced words, or maybe someone whose quirks and shortfalls i won’t sweat about, someone who’d be an exception to the rules i created. or in a much deeper sense, until I learn what unconditional love is all about. 

just as how these love songs say so.