
it's the 6th. must i begin my countdown?

too early, obviously. i'm talking about my upcoming birthday, on the 26th. no, i don't dream and plan for a big bash. i only think of spending some quality time over barbecue in the nearby coast with my sister and some of my really good friends here. i love an intimacy like that.

but then i think (or i'd like to believe), that even at this very early stage of november, several people are, like me, filled with anticipation -- people whose lives are connected with mine or those that i touched somehow (either brutally or gently, though i really doubt about the latter) or those that i got to share with, and share in so many special ways.

i'm turning 25, and though i don't really dread aging (because i observe i am doing so gracefully), things like quarter life crisis cross my mind.

the good thing about it though is that i'm single, civil-status wise (if you'll ask me about it in a a different light, i'll say it's just too complicated. i made it that way, anyway).

and the perks of being single at 25 are limitless! this must be the part where i'll say, i am infinite! ha ha

anyway, one if them is that i've got newer plans and bolder ambitions, and i don't have to consider practically anyone in working my way towards the fulfillment of all these.

25. silver year. it feels more like a golden one!

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