jeremiah 29:11

lately, i think i spend more time talking to God than actually conversing to live people. it's weird but it gives springs to my steps.

often, life throws crazy situations here and there, but on special times it throws the craziest possible scenario. this time is one of those special times.

i'm thankful for moments like this. it makes me more prayerful. it reminds me to submit to a higher authority above me. it shakes my faith and later on strenghtens it.

i have plan A ready and plan B handy. i'm a planner, you see. i can't afford to be a step or two behind. planning is something that makes me sleep securely at night.

then something will wake me up by showing, deliberately or not, that there are still a few angles i fail to scrutinize, some points i missed out, areas that only the Supreme Being can see clearly. and He, as always, outsmarts my plans A to Z. and i'm amazed at how He makes things possible and doable. i learn over and over again that when He wants to give you something, He'll move mountains to have it delivered right on cue.

and i'm left to wait, and trust him again, now more than ever.

i know He's cooking a very good plan. i can almost smell it.

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