love. (what else.)

8 years.

i fell in love for the first time 8 years ago.
who would have thought i'll fall in love again 8 years after.

and who would have thought that he'll be the same man.

ours wasn't a steady love affair. though eight-year term was awesome, it was an on-and-off thing.

when we separated ways almost two years ago, i vowed to myself never to fall for him again. i promised it will be for good. i had all the share of heartaches i needed. i learned all i needed to learn. i've grown and matured into a strong woman that i am now. i was doing okay, and not long after that, i was healed and emotionally whole again. i started welcoming the possibility of having a brandnew lover. someone completely new, someone who'll love me and i'll love back truly, madly, deeply.

..only to find myself comparing, wondering why i'm not feeling the way i felt for him.

i waited patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for the right love to come. only to realize that the right love i'm desperately looking for is the love i lost long before.

so this is for alvin ray joseph amacio, the love i found, lost, and found once more.
for the man i happily fall in-out-and-in love with again.
how many people are ever given that chance? To have someone you fall in love with over and over again?

and i realized, no matter how hard you try to escape and get away from that one great love, it will always pull you in...

...just like how i was pulled back in.