christmas is coming

i smell, feel and see christmas. yes, even in a chinese country like sg, christmas is celebrated. though not as highly, as grand and as fancy as how it is in rp.

whenever this mood begins to set, happiness, excitement, good vibes follow. but now, the looming holiday somehow saddens me. i wish i can spend the day with my family. i wish i can celebrate it with alvin around (since 25th is also our day each month). i wish i can look forward to exchanging of gifts with my best girlfriends. i wish i can organize a get'together for my highschool friends.

there are so many things i can only wish now. *sigh*

it is at this time of the year (yeah, as if i've been away for a year already) that i find workers abroad amazing, especially now that i am in their shoes.

i wonder how many christmases passed them by. i wonder how they were able to keep their strength and sanity intact.

as for me, it's gonna be my first. and i've got to find out how to survive this season with, hopefully, little sadness, and more good cheer.


  1. Aw i could just imagine how sad/hard it would be to celebrate Christmas without your family. But I hope you have a great time there with your SG family ;) Take care Gazelle. Happy holidays!

  2. we're trying our best to have a good time, to make this first'time memorable. :)

    thanks teresa. take care too. i'll see you next year.

    enjoy the season! thanks for the christmas gift i am yet to receive. hehe
